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We have been given a list of health and safety protocols from Alberta Health Services that we all must follow to stay open. We hope that together as teachers and families we can work together to follow these precautions so that we can continue offering our preschool program to all of you.

These rules may change over time as Alberta Health Services dictates what we need to follow and if we are moved into different phases.


- Students will be taken to wash their hands as they enter and before they leave the class


- Students will be washing their hands between activities or when is warranted due to child like behavior 

- All toys played with in the class will be given a thorough cleaning before the next cohort group. We will also have a separate set of books puzzles scissors glue etc.. for each cohort group

- If any symptoms arise while a student is in class they will need to separate from the other children and be taken home, we may have to close for 72 hours. 

We ask that you please keep your child at home if they are showing and new symptoms as we try to keep each other safe and avoid a quarantine of any of our families or teachers

We are going to make sure that our school stay a safe zone as it always has, and that we are we are following the proper protocols for you and your family. If you have any concerns about any of our procedures please feel free to contact me at any time

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